Water Ceremony

Recently, I walked out to the Cathedral in the Pines. There was a foot of snow on the ground as I hiked out to Wild Butterfly Habitat just beyond a pine grove and hardwood forest. I had to stop several times to catch my breath.

I went out to do a Water Ceremony in communion with Bad River Reservation and Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College and Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation. They held a Water is Alive Ceremony and Pow Wow today at LCO Convention Center. We stand up for the Earth and are protesting Iron Ore Mine proposed at headwaters of 23 waterways through Bad River Reservation, which will pollute water all the way out through other communities also and Lake Superior.

Fresh drinking water is a gift for all living species be it human, animal, insect, plants, trees, bees and fish. Water is for all species. I played my clapping sticks as I chanted the song for the Water Ceremony. I put down corn meal that had previously been prayed with. Also I brought stale bread for the birds.

Beech leaves quivered and white pine tree needles danced in a breeze. The sun peeked out behind a cloud to be with us. And the Earth was made happy.

Walking the walk: Mother Earth Water Walkers raise awareness of water

Walking the walk: Mother Earth Water Walkers raise awareness of water – MinotDailyNews.com | News, sports, business, jobs – Minot Daily News

Vulnerable White Trillium Lily

This year’s Water Four Directions Mother Earth Water Walkers is imperative as we realize we must honor water which is sacred and a gift to all living species. Please support the many who are walking and will converge at Bad River Reservation on June 12. A council guide from the Sisterhood of Planetary Water Rites plans to attend. We hope that several women from the Water Ceremony group of Minong, WI, will attend also.

The vulnerable white trillium lily of early spring grows in the sweet woods. The sounds of happy gurgling water and singing birds gladdens the heart. Sweet watercress grows in the stream where the water spills out into a pure stream. Watercress will not grow in unpure water.

We must protect our local drinking water sources. After seeing Blue Gold, I am going to ask my village where the water source is and where the sewage goes. The film suggests we do this to be informed about our own community water supply.

Water Crystals Respond to Feelings

I was facinated by Gladyce Nahbenayash’s talk at the Nibi Wabo (Water Ceremony) at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Community College’s January Water Film Fest Event.  She spoke highly of Dr. Masaru Emoto, the author of revolutionary work on molecules of water affected by our thoughts, words and feelings.

The tribal college had  a few of the titles in their library.  I remembered seeing a You Tube video of frozen water crystals on Facebook recently.  The video  was blogged by Brian Nolan.  It made me cry when I saw how water responds to love and gratitude.

silver lake
Tia my dog and I used to swim in this beautiful clear lake

  Such beautiful crystals, how could I have been so blind as to take water for granted.  I turned the tap on and drank and didn’t even think to thank the water for the gift it was giving me.  I was doing water ceremonies at the lake, near ponds etc. but I didn’t bring the message home.

Gladyce brought many of us back to reconnect with water not only at the beach but in our homes.  The water is teaching us that we need to pay attention to her.  Fresh drinking water is at stake all over the world and greedy privatization of water as a commodity is growing.  Water is feminine and it is disrespectful to treat her in this way.

I thought you would enjoy the video.  I am reading The Hidden Messages in Water and The Healing Power of Water by Dr. Emoto.  The books and video are based on his scientific studies.

May we all appreciate the gift of life that water gives all living species. 

Be happy insectamonarca friends where ever you are.