Attention Area Youth Gardeners (and future gardeners)!

Area 4-H youth and other youth are invited to attend the a Fall Youth Plant Science event at the Spooner Ag Research Station on Saturday October 2, 2010 from 10 am until 1 pm.
Kevin Schoessow, UW-Extension Spooner Area Agriculture Agent and UW-Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will be leading discussions and demonstrations on making compost, planting garlic, pruning grapes and raspberries and putting our gardens to bed. There will be a tour of the Spooner Ag Research Station Display gardens were youth can learn about the “off the grid” drip irrigation system, powered by an airlift tech pump and windmill and the newly constructed hoop house for season extension.

Youth will also get to participant in a plant identification contest, and tasting of any ripe produce. This will be a great opportunity to meet other youth and learn more about gardening and the resources of the Spooner Agriculture Research Station. There is no cost to the event. However participants are asked to register by contacting either their local UW-Extension Office, or by calling the Spooner Area Ag Agents office. Participants should bring along a bag lunch and come dressed for the weather.

Transportation is available for Burnett Co youth but you must call the UW-Extension office at 715-349-2151 to register. “A volunteer’s time is the true example of selfless giving” JRC Kevin SchoessowArea Agriculture Development AgentSpooner Area UW-ExtensionSpooner Agriculture Research StationW6646 Hwy 70 Spooner, WI 54801 phone: 715-635-3506 or 1-800-528-1914 Fax 715-635-6741

Surprise acorn squash in habitat
Surprise acorn squash in habitat.

 NOTE:  Happy Tonics, Inc. sponsored the Pines and Lake Girl Scout Troop of Shell Lake, WI. They a container garden at the Friendship Commons Senior Center this past summer 2010 through two grants from Washburn County AODA Commission and Leopold Education. The girls are excited to be invited to this event. They plan to attend this wonderful gardening science project at the Spooner Agriculture Research Station.