China growth and what it means to Natural Resources

The Devouring Dragon
The Devouring Dragon

The Devouring Dragon by Craig Simmons is a gripping account of what the future holds if the developing world plays on the same playing field as the United States. China with its billions of people see the Madison Avenue  coke soda ads and what it too.

I’ve been thinking about natural resources and as an elder, with an expected longevity beyond my parents time that means I would be using more natural resources for possibly an extended life.  This is not good when you think of how many of us there are.

It is reasonable to think that with billions of people needing natural resources, there will be a great strain on the natural world to provide raw materials to house, cloth and feed more people than ever before.

What is going to happen? Edward O. Wilson wrote in The Future of Life, “The juggernaut of technology-based capitalism will not be stopped. Its momentum is reinforced by the billions of poor people in developing countries anxious to participate in order to share the material wealth of the industrialized nations. But its direction can be changed by mandate of a generally shared long-term environmental ethic. The choice is clear: the juggernaut will very soon be either chew up what remains of the living world, or it will be redirected to save it.”

Many of us are on the side to save it. I wish so for governments of all nations. Native nations, environmentalists, citizen scientists and scientists are teaching and trying to reach the masses in order to educate the public about the preciousness of natural resources. I teach on the wings of a butterfly. Jason Graham teaches about building natural nests for native solitary bees. Karen Oberhauser teaches about Monarchs in the Classroom and Journey North. There are countless others.

We simply can’t put our heads in the sand. We must plant seeds of wisdom in the hopes of regeneration of the earth.


Simons, C. The Devouring Dragon (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2013).

Wilson E. O. , The Future of Life (New York: Vintage Books, 2003), 156.

Conservation hypocrisy


Bee graphic ConservationBytes
Bee graphic ConservationBytes

Conservation hypocrisy. I am so proud of Alejandro Frid for declining to take a position with Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, which would track a new Pacific pipeline. The emission levels from the pipeline would cause more harm in the atmosphere, beyond dangerous levels already.

Bravo for ethics. It is not easy to say No to Giants.

Seeding of a pollinator habitat

Our Lady of the Woods
Ground cedar
Ground cedar

Ryan Conner, Happy Tonics Volunteer in Hayward, WI has a native habitat in his front yard. A few years ago, he decided to stop mowing. Bravo!

A visit to tranquility
A visit to tranquility

This past winter Ryan sent me some seed that he gathered from his own property. I am implementing a Wild Butterfly Habitat, on Ashby West Road, Fitchburg, MA. It is on family land and private.


Asclepias syriaca common milkweed

Desmodium canadense Showy tick-trefoil

Echinacea pallida Pale purple coneflower

Ratibida pinnata Gray-headed coneflower

Rudbeckia laciniata Green-headed coneflower

Solidago speciosa Showy goldenrod

I also bought seed packages for the following plants that were also scattered.


Nepeta cataria Catmint

Aguilegia canadensis Columbine

Artemisia caudatus Love lies bleeding

Artemisia tricolor Joseph’s coat

Monarca media Monarda

Ecinacea purpurea Purple conflower

Helanthus spp. Sunflower


Ryan Conner proudly stands next to his Conservation Star Home Award sign
Ryan Conner proudly stands next to his Conservation Star Home Award sign.

I won’t look for instantaneous results. I have found that native seed sprouts when conditions are compatible to its growing needs. Sometimes seed can lay dormant for years before it emerges. We will see as time develops what takes.

In the meantime, I have put up a driftwood recycled birdhouse. This week another fanciful bird house for my sister’s grandchildren, a small shrine for for La Senora de Guadalupe and a wildflower wood-chime will be placed at the habitat.

Beauty is etheral
Beauty is ethereal

My sister Ronnie already thoughtfully brought a chair up to the habitat for me. It is set in the cool of the pine grove. She also planted ground cover succulents in an old wooden log that had the center eaten out by some critter. Each touch we add will offer refuge to me. There is a reason for this. My life is centered on living a purpose driven life. It is busy with speaking tours, leading restoration gardens, implementing pollinator habitats, teaching environmental classes and writing my third book. I simply need a place of refuge where I can unwind and listen to the wind. Here I do ceremony for water and communicate with the Creator’s natural world, which renews me. I love it so.



It is an Honor to Serve Our Neighbors and World

WELCOME TO ROTARY!   –  Dennis led the Pledge, Bill led us in song and Dr. Joe did our invocation.   Francis Mercandante, Alice Addante, Judy Reymonds and Mary Ellen’s sister Ronnie joined us today.  WEEKLY RAFFLE:  Mary Whitney was our winner today.   CALENDAR DRAWING(S) Linda Largey sold by Sharon, and Ellie Doucette sold by Dr. Joe.   Visiting Rotarian; Dr. Gilley.


AG Jim Fusco did our Installation of our two newest members;  Mary Ellen Ryall and Fred Cochrane.   A Warm Rotary Welcome into the Rotary Club of Fitchburg

Bird and SMILE

Enjoying Wildersoul’s coloring images. Always clean and surprising in simplicity.

Wildersoul Colouring Book

birdSMILEI am in a rush so here it is real quick and I’ll come back later to write, tag, categorize etc!  Had lots of fun creating this one, and hope you have fun colouring!  Wishing you all a lovely day!


(Like my new signature created by Jim at

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Hearing Loss Magazine, May/June 2013 issue

Hearing Loss Magazine is a star when it comes to an upscale photographed magazine.

Cindy Dyer's Blog

The Bozzone family graces the cover of the May/June 2013 issue of Hearing Loss Magazine, which is published bimonthly by the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). Jason and his wife, Melissa, have three children. Their youngest child, Madeline, has a hearing loss. In this issue of the magazine, Melissa writes about Madeline in “Our Party of Five: Madeline’s Story.” Julie Fisher, the Walk4Hearing Program Assistant, interviewed Jason for this issue as well. I photographed the Bozzone family at a Pennsylvania Walk4Hearing event last fall.

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved.


Also in this issue:

National Sponsors Create Awareness for Walk4Hearing
2013 sponsor Noreen Gibbens explains why she supports the Walk4Hearing.

The Countdown is On
Nancy Macklin builds excitement for Convention 2013 in Portland, Oregon.

Closed Captioning Frustrations—How to Get Some Help
Carol Studenmund explains how consumers can help improve the quality of captioning on TV.

Can You Hear…

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Stephen Hill and Space Music in Concert

Two weeks ago I flew out to San Francisco and my niece drove us to San Rafael. We were there for a Music Event with Hearts of Space. Here is one of the sessions I loved with Richard Rich at

I can’t write and work on computer unless I have this naturalyl high music playing. I love it beyond all compare.

Stephen Hill has been broadcasting Hearts of Space Music out of CA since the 1980s. I used to live in San Francisco when I first heard the radio broadcast. I have Hearts of Space matter where I live. I am a paying member and true to HOS. Simply can’t live without it.


A Walk on the Wild Side

China my pal
China my pal

It is a balmy May day today. I took the bus out to Winter Hill Farm, Ashby West Road, Fitchburg. No one was home. Good plan. I had the farm to myself for a few hours. Let China, 11 year old cat out. She loves it when I come and wants to pal around with me.  A mourning cloak butterfly flew into lilac and a yellow tiger swallowtail was seen flitting about on flowers in the front yard. It is only May and the swallowtails are here. This is early.


Picked up my bamboo poles, a pail with fresh composted earth and aged manure, a trowel and my seeds. And out to the Wild Butterfly Habitat I went.  Removed some blackberry bramble and cleared a small area. Put plastic down, I hated to, but I didn’t have any newspaper. Instead I put my composed  soil on top and firmly planted seeds. My hope is that the seeds will germinate and I will be able to transplant them to a better soil preparation that I will undertake over the next few weeks.

I came back to the barn and pulled up a lawn chair to sit on and ate my bagel with cream cheese and chives and drank from a bottle of water. A short while later my brother in law came out of the house. He had arrived home from work when I was up in the woods.

Jack offered me a ride on the ATV and I hitched a ride back up to the woods. This time I was headed to Frog Pond. He left me where the trail forked because there are too many rocks and boulders to cross over. Then I headed out by foot and found the trail that leads to the pond.


Lobilia cardinalis
Lobilia cardinalis

There with memories of the past in Lusby, So. MD, and my friend Audrey Scharmen, a writer and plant friend, I planted beloved Lobilia cardinalis. The cardinal plant likes to have her feet wet and head in the sun. I planted her in the peat moss and decayed leaf compost. I hope they make it. I have waited so long  to have another encounter with one of my favorite plants that still clings to my memories of beautiful things in my life.