The Great Bell Chant

Last week Grandmother Akasa Wolfsong posted this beautiful chant on her Blog at

This video came from a CD/book called Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying. It’s read by Thich Nath Hanh and chanted by brother Phap Niem. Whether you’re Buddhist or Not, it’s full of riches at

I took the time to visit the site and saw the video that I am sharing here. It is so utterly beautiful that it made me weep. Weep for the Earth that we can’t all see how beautiful our Mother is. The chant is beyond the Earth plane. It is ethereal and heart rendering. I love it so much that I am posting the link here. What a beautiful video to show on Earth Day, which is every day or Summer Solstice. Please share it far and wide. The world needs to see reality and connected to the Universe. Perhaps it will render someone to change their way of living and to come back to the center of Being and our Mother.


Memengwaa Ikway
Butterfly Woman

When Our Literary Heroes Become Victims

When Our Literary Heroes Become Victims.

I am an elder and working with lawyer to protect my books and intellectual property rights. I am saddened to learn of this deceitful manipulation of  Harper Lee, the reclusive author of To Kill a Mockingbird, by  her agent, Samuel L. Pinkus, and his affiliates. As an elder, we too can become victims of abuse.

I surely hope that Nelly Harper Lee wins the case. It is unthinkable of the distress she might feel because of this breach of trust.

An Open Letter to You

An Open Letter to You.


I have known about Eleanor’s move to PA and her dedication to caring for the blueberry farm for at least a year. I know her mother Worth Cooley-Prost, an artist in Washington, DC area.  Eleanor and her friend have the heartbeat to care for the land. They have been managing the Blueberry Farm. Please read her letter. Perhaps you will see an opportunity that the girls need in order to stay on the land and grow blueberries.

I wouldn’t mind supporting if the farm was going to be a coop where each person who donated could claim a portion in ownership. It could be a refuge in this vastly destructive world. Is there an opportunity here? Let me know if Eleanor’s DREAM speaks to you too and how we can move forward in generating economic security of the farm and livelihood of two human souls who care for the land.

Discover the World of Monarch Butterflies

Mary Ellen's monarch copyright Cindy Dyer
Mary Ellen’s monarch copyright Cindy Dyer

Mary Ellen Ryall, naturalist and environmental educator, has written two children’s books on the life cycle of the monarch butterfly. An article, Bringing Butterflies Home, was published in the spring issue of Celebrate HOME Magazine.Come learn about the habitat, life cycle of the monarch and more at this Open the Public Free Event..

Ryall’s books and magazine will be available for sale. Some host plants for other butterfly species and milkweed seed for the monarch will also be offered.

I’ve been hacked

This is important. This email was in my inbox. I did not open, though some of my contacts emailed and asked me if I sent it to some. Re: I’ve been hacked
If you get an email from me that says I have a google doc for you, please ignore it and report it to google. I have had my email account hacked and I have apparently been sending out messages to all of my contacts this morning without my knowledge.

readful things blog

If you get an email from me that says I have a google doc for you, please ignore it and report it to google. I have had my email account hacked and I have apparently been sending out messages to all of my contacts this morning without my knowledge. if this has affected you, please accept my sincere apologies. I have never had this happen to an email account before. I am wondering if changing the password was good enough, or if I need to change the entire email account. Does anyone have any experience with this? Please help!

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