Eco Adventure in Wisconsin – 22 March 2010

Hello Insectamonarca friends,

This morning it was quite chilly with a high wind. 

Woodland with haying field
The land of Robins and woodlands

 First I heard the call of the Opichi, robin in Ojibwe, when I was outside looking at the rising sun in the East.  What a sight, I watched 15 of them fly by on the land I love.  They were headed towards the Staghorn Sumac for a tasty treat of fruit still clinging to the branches from last fall 2009. 

Then I walked down to the level land and saw abut 25 male Opichi who were puffed up and strutting their stuff.  The ladies will be along in about a week and each male robin will make a radius around him that is well-tended, including himself.  It will be up to the ladies to pick out their favorite tuxedo attired male partner.

Beautiful crocus
First bloom of spring.

I noticed the first flower of spring blooming near Pat and Sandy’s house in the afternoon of 22 March and it was this gorgeous crocus.

Be happy Insectamonarca friends where ever you are.