Author interview no.698 with Shirley You Jest Fiction Winner Amy Sprenger

Morgen Bailey does a great joy of introducing new authors. She gives no authors an opportunity for readers to learn about them.

Morgen 'with an E' Bailey

Welcome to the six hundred and ninety-eighth of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, biographers, agents, publishers and more. Today’s is with writer and blogger Amy Sprenger. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further.

Morgen: Hello, Amy. Please tell us something about yourself, where you’re based, and how you came to be a writer.

Amy SprengerAmy: Hi, Morgen, thanks for having me! I’m Amy Sprenger, mother of three, wife of one (so far, although we could always up and go polygamist some day), house frau, and when I actually stop procrastinating, author. I live in Chicago, where I used to be a sports writer and editor, then horrified Sheryl Sandberg by leaning waaaaaay out to stay home with my kids. While full-time mothering was rewarding (and also unpaid) and we…

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