I’ve been hacked

This is important. This email was in my inbox. I did not open, though some of my contacts emailed and asked me if I sent it to some. Re: I’ve been hacked
If you get an email from me that says I have a google doc for you, please ignore it and report it to google. I have had my email account hacked and I have apparently been sending out messages to all of my contacts this morning without my knowledge.

readful things blog

If you get an email from me that says I have a google doc for you, please ignore it and report it to google. I have had my email account hacked and I have apparently been sending out messages to all of my contacts this morning without my knowledge. if this has affected you, please accept my sincere apologies. I have never had this happen to an email account before. I am wondering if changing the password was good enough, or if I need to change the entire email account. Does anyone have any experience with this? Please help!

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