Eco Adventure in Wisconsin – day nine

It is Saturday and almost time for this eco adventure to end.  One more night and day to go.

Not much news here.  It is still snowing and most likely there is over 18″ of snowfall.  The country road hasn’t been plowed out since December 24.  I remember years ago on the farm and I THOUGHT I WOULD GO MAD not being able to get in or out at times in the winter. 

Unplowed country road
The road less traveled

I think I am going a little star crazy now and will be happy that the owners (Happy Tonics officer/board member, husband and wife team) are coming home tomorrow from Costa Rica.  I don’t know how they’ll be able to drive into the driveway with all the snow.  I tried to shovel a little but it is wet and heavy and will have to wait for stronger arms than mine.

Sadie has been tired today.  Neither of us slept much last night and we are rather tired today.  The tree trunks are completely covered with the snow and the branches are also laden. 

Snow on tree trucks
Snow covered tree trucks.

 I am housebound by choice.  It is just too dark and wet to be out there. 

Instead I made homemade potato soup with organic onions and broccoli and it was good.  I only flavored it with pepper and a bay leaf.  I added Orrington Farms low sodium chicken flavoring and I highly recommend it for chicken stock.

Well readers it is time to nearly say goodbye for this adventure.  I may have one more time tomorrow to jot down a few notes.  I was interested in seeing who would read the blog.  I can see a snow winter adventure did not attract much attention.

Happy Tonics is exploring to see if there is any interest in Eco adventures in Wisconsin.  I am leaning towards something that offers hotels or camping opportunities with an eco volunteer vacation.  We would welcome visitors who want to assist us at the Monarch Butterfly Habitat, in Shell Lake, Wisconsin during the summer of 2010.

The butterfly path through habitat
A wood chip path put down by youth and volunteers.

Stay happy readers where ever you are.