Eco Adventure in Wisconsin – day three

It’s Sunday.

I didn’t realize it till later in the morning.  One big thing living like this is that you wait on mail delivery and it does become a focal point.  Well, you guessed it!  I’m out of luck today.  On the good side, I did find five envelopes in a kitchen drawer and a sheet of stamps.  That cheered me up.

This morning we made a chicken flavored vegetable soup.  The wild rice came from Nick Vander Puy who hand harvested the Wisconsin food that grows on water.  I am almost out.  Looking in the kitchen cabinets, I found Pat’s wild rice that he hand gathered this year from Wisconsin fresh waters. 

The organic garlic I added I hope will work for high blood pressure.  Red pepper, broccoli, cabbage, celery, onion and barley were added next.   I was disappointed that the ground pepper shaker was empty.  Rember I am out here alone with no access to stores and I brought most of my supplies with me.  Looking in the kitchen cupboard, I found some of Happy Tonics whole peppercorns and I will grind this in the morning.  It is the little things that keep us content.

Sadie and I decided to sleep in Pat and Sandy’s room last night.  It felt so good to stretch out.  I can’t tell you how beautiful it is to sleep being completely surrounded by trees and moonlight.  This morning there was a glimmer of sunrise.  Oak leaves dangled from a tree near the bedroom and the sunlight struck a few leaves and also left a beautiful shadow image on the wooden artist shop nearby.

Then a soft falling snow shower began.  I did some Tai chi as I watched exactly where east is situated at this time of year.  I must tell you I am used to Space Music (Stephan Hill, music program producer in San Francisco) on the radio on Sunday.  You can sign up for the free Sunday broadcast at  While I type this I am inspired by the program Hymns and Psalms.

When we took our early morning walk I was dazzled by how fresh the air is here.  I mean I would buy property  just for the quiet and smell of fresh air.  I believe this is the freshest air I have inhaled in many years.  It is like being in a cathedral of trees.  I know someone else who feels the same way.  I watched as two squirrels scampered up a dead tree and one went inside an opening.  Hah!  I know where you live.   

Up here in the Great North Woods, it seems like everything is for sale and no one has the money to purchase land or goods.  I run a nonprofit.  If there is an interested party out there who needs a tax break, perhaps you would be interested in helping us buy a piece of land for the nonprofit.  You could write off the investment and we could offer eco adventures on the land.  Folks could come and camp, garden and fish.

Just a thought.  We implement two Monarch Butterfly Habitats in Shell Lake,Wisconsin one is on city land and the other is on DNR land.  Our mission is Sanctuary for the Monarch Butterfly and Food Safety Issues.

It is quite dark out for late afternoon and I expect perhaps we’ll have more snow.  Pat made some delicious cranberry bread before he left.  I mixed cream cheese and fresh frozen strawberries together and what a tasty treat it makes.  Just perfect for a cup of tea and chat with you.

Be happy readers where ever you are.