Chive herb butter is delicious

Chives attract pollinators to the garden

I am reading a book The Complete Book of Herbs by Emma Callery.  I made lemon-chive butter and it was absolutely delicious.

Recipe:  Squeeze a slice of lemon or lime into a bowl with 1/4 pound of butter.  Let it sit until butter is softened to room temperature.  Then add fresh snipped chives from the garden.  Use scissors rather than a knife.  Mix it well and refrigerate.  

The softened herb butter can be transferred to a piece of freezer paper or plastic wrap and rolled into a log shape.  I didn’t have either. Instead I transferred the herb butter to the pretty small container.  It is fabulous on dark forest bread. 

Creamy butter with chives
Creamy butter with chives


Eggs cooked in chive butter
Eggs cooked in chive butter

  Other recipes include a dab of herb butter to make scrambled egg or cheese souffle, on baked potatoes with sour cream dressing.  The herb butter can be used when cooking chops or steak. 

Free range farm fresh eggs
Free range farm fresh eggs

Flowers can be snipped, pulled apart and added to salads.  Use flowers in soup. 

Medicinally the leaves are slightly antiseptic and are said to be used to relieve rheumatism.