Mother Earth Water Walkers

Grandmother Josephine Mandamin
Grandmother Mary Ellen Baker

Today I woke up at 5:15 a.m. excited because today has finally arrived. Sandy Stein and I will meet at Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation’s tribal college at 9 a.m. with anticipation of meeting up with Mother Earth Water Walkers. The Water Walkers will be coming through Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation on their way to Bad River on June 12.

The purpose of the water walk is to raise awareness to protect clean fresh drinking water from pollution and privatization around the world and to protect water for seven generations out. Water is a gift not a commodity. Water is coming in a copper bucket which Grandmother Josephine Mandamin  and others who have been water on and off since April 10. Men often have carried the Eagle Feather Staff to protect women. Water Walkers are coming to Bad River to converge  on June 12  from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes.

Will report on if we made the connection today. Sandy and I plan to walk with the Water Walkers from the tribal college to the Honor the Earth Pow Wow grounds. LCO has opened up the event to the public and invites the public to come and meet the Water Walkers. There will be ceremony and feasting.

Mary Ellen Ryall is a council guide of the Sisterhood of Planetary Water Rites with headquarters in California. She will carry the intentions of women who shared  that they wanted to be on this walk with the Water Walkers.  The names will be typed up and added to a small butterfly beaded medicine bag that she will wear as she walks with the Water Walkers.

October Newsletter Sisterhood of the Planetary Water Rites


                               Messages from the Clan and Grandmothers     

We are in the 10th Moon Cycle the Clan Mother for October is Weaves the Web, she burns a pink candle, She encourages us to be creative with our hands to bring about the beauty from within in a tangible, visible creation as does the Spider and her Web. Through our Spirit we show that we are of service to All Our Relations. Grandmother of October shows us how to release what we do not need. This is the time of the West..of reflection and introspects. We are shown how to tap into the life force. WE CAN BECOME OUR DREAMS..WHEN WE TAP INTO OUR OWN TRUTHS AND WE ARE WHO WE SHOULD BE, NOT WHAT OTHERS NEED US TO BE.

The Grandmothers that have came to me this month have been very gentle. They come to me lately with comfort as they see how I am seeking rest now. They say we all should be preparing ourselves for the coming of next year. To be ready as there is going to be great great changes upon the Earth that will affect all of us. Some are seeing and feeling this already and that is why we are feeling drained..we are not paying attention to the ley lines of our own existence. Letting go is healing, even though it can be devastating at times because we are hanging on to what we have grown use to for whatever reason. As we go within we know what is good for us, what does not feel right when we move in a certain direction.  The Grandmothers say, “Walk with love and grace. As you are part of the Devine, let your light shine so that others will see your Truth.” They say we are the anecdote for the destruction of our Mother. We are the medicine needed to calm the realms and powers that be. The women are the source of the healing for peace to come into existence. 

AHO, Blessings, Grandmother Whitedeer

We still have a few calendars left…great for Christmas Gifts!  To order  your copy e-mail Tonya at

Our Sister Urbara Scott has offered her help in fundraising projects…I am sure that others would like to jump on board with this..therefore; I think we can develop some committees, one being Fundraisning.

Urbara has graciously donated a huge stack of mailing envelopes so that I could send out all of the Instructions for the Ancient Water Ways Blessing from the Grandmothers. Thank You Urbana for this gift.

 Susan Amari and I have been speaking of a Store developed through our Links that would have its own page with information linking those of our Sisterhood that have products to sell. We have Grandmother Isabel le in Canada that has two CD’s of her music..some traditional some contemporary. They both are very rewarding and bring about a since of ceremony just listening to them.  Alicia Whitewolf has a book and CD’s for sale, JoAnn Skywatcher has a book, Earlene Gleisner has several books and a new one coming out very soon.  I do some crafts and Prayer shawls that would earn me a little egg money if I sold them on line.Susan Amari sell will be selling her wonderful healing teas. There are several more and I am sorry if I have not listed your name but I am giving examples of what we can do. This is part of who we are and what we can do to support one another. This feature hopefully will be up and running by January of 2011. Have your pictures ready if you do not already have a web site to link to..We are hoping to have this store open in January..we need a name, anyone have any ideas?.

I would like to bring about the exchanging of waters from sources around the world; I really need someone to be the monitor for this. To work out a program from sending our Blessed Waters to our Sisters or anyone wishing to have the CORE blessed water from our Sisterhood…this water is created through the blessing using the Belaspata  Method of the Devine Mother and has been gone through a Water Blessing ceremony. Our Sister Rain on the Earth is working on an on-line 6 week work shop on this powerful knowledge. It is something that is a very useful tool in our working with Blessed waters.

From the Desk of Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.

Dear Friends:I continue to take my “assignment” as a message carrier to heart. I believe that critical-mass, grassroots activism transforms consciousness which in turn, changes history. I believe that humanity is at a crossroads and that what women do in the next few decades will determine the fate of life on this beautiful, abundant planet.  
I’m an advocate for a UN sponsored 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW) as a rallying point that would raise consciousness, network women worldwide and at a time of transition, could be the tipping point. Click here to sign petition.Activism and individuation (to find a meaningful, inner directed, chosen life-path) come together when the choices we make express who we are. There is a soul purpose to life. Be centered, and archetypes, dreams and synchronicities provide depth and direction. As one phase of life shifts into the next, energy becomes free to take on something that is personally meaningful, fun, creative and motivated by love-my definition of “assignment.”

 This is a beautiful testimony of the Ojibwe women walking around the Great Lakes at

Grandmother Josephine Mandamin.    Thank You Grandmother for Keeping Traditions Alive for our Waters and Mother Earth

Some of you do not know Grandmother Aggie..She is The Head Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and has been working with water blessings and is a dedicated is a smaill u-tube of her ..  ..

Dear Friends,I’m excited to share with you about an upcoming community event I’m sure you won’t want to miss!  This is the long-awaited Grants Pass (hometown  showing of “For the Next 7 Generations: The Grandmothers Speak” on Nov. 6, 2010 at 7PM. Doors open at 6:30PMTickets are $10 and up sliding scale.  This fundraiser supports the work the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, including local ambassador Grandma Agnes Baker-Pilgrim.

 The Face of Radiant Love




I would love to share all of the Sisters Newsletters but each month I will try and showcase at least one. Our Sister Carol Bridges brings eye candy with her newsletter as she shares with us her fabric art. Enjoy!


October 2010 Newsletter From Carol Bridges

  “To go in the dark with a light is to know the light. To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight, and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings, and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.” Wendell BerryIn this time of fall, night comes early. A local drought calls all the plants to give up the forms which most nourish us, their flower, fruits and beauty. And, if we dare, we face the awful news of some world situation and search more deeply for that which brings us comfort.Even when personal crisis overshadows all that is going on around us, somehow we find “hope.” Hope is something we don’t think about when all is well. It is an elixir to counteract despair and disempowerment. Whenever I hear the word, it is like hearing an unfamiliar footstep in the night.Yet, this mysterious sound, the footstep of Hope, is usually coming to grab your heart and take you blindfolded into some experience you would never have without this companion, some experience which will empty you of fear instantly and call you to respond with all your heart and power.

And in that spontaneous action, you will be freed of some great limitation that you did not know you had.

“It is only at one hundred degrees intensity that one evaporates from the material into the spiritual, from the earth into the sky, from the ordinary into the extraordinary.” Osho

One night Hope will come and say, “Drop everything and dedicate yourself to the welfare of others. Do what you really want to do. Be all you are. Now!” Then she will vanish.
© 2010 Carol Bridges



  “When Trees are Happy.” As I walk to the garden in August, I experience the exuberance of trees gently dancing in the breeze. They are full of leaves waving, some are laden with pears or apples. Colors are beginning to change. I feel welcomed by the path and the living spirit in all things. Pink coneflowers were filled with butterflies this year, and there was movement everywhere. This quilt is an abstraction of all those qualities into the feeling I have in my yard. 38″ x 46″   “Transformation.” Rebirth is constantly taking place on this wondrous planet. The forest landscape transforms into a butterfly ascending. The butterfly transforms into the womb of new creation of bounty and health for the whole. May Earth Mother rise up once again; and may we give thanks for her constant recreation. 25″ x 18″. $485.  

              In closing I want to remind everyone that we do have a wonderful Blog page with great

             Messages and comments… just go to our web  and click onto our

             Blog page, create an account if you do not already have one to be able to post a comment.

             If you want to add a new subject please write to me and I will sign it for you and add your name

             as the submitter.

I hope that October has not been to harsh on any of your as the whirlwind of energy can be very overwhelming if you  are not  prepared to undertake the great waves of Spirit help that has been coming our way for the past few weeks.

I chose to bury myself in craft projects as the Grandmothers spoke of and getting plenty of good ole zzzzzzzzz’s

Much Love, Many Blessings with Honey in the Heart..Grandmother Whitedeer