Born Under a Lucky Star

Aunt Ellen and Gram (Ann O’Grady Sullivan) on Mother’s Day

All my life, she was there when I needed her. My Aunt Ellen lived in the village of Ballston Spa, New York, in Upper New York State. She was my mother’s sister. Aunt Ellen usually wore dresses. She gave the world her sunny side with sparkling blue-eyed Irish smile. She had rosy cheeks and auburn curly hair.

On the private side, Aunt Ellen told me that when she did cry, she would hide in the closet. She didn’t want Uncle George or her children to see her upset. Seeing pictures of Aunt Ellen in her youth, I imagine my Uncle George fell in love with her because she looked like a Victorian lady with her hair all swept up in the day’s fashion. When they married, Aunt Ellen moved into the ancestral Victorian home where my Uncle George grew up.

Aunt Ellen always knew that when I called, there was usually some trauma going on at my house. It was the drinking that upset me the most with its unpredictable rage that would flare up. Mostly I remember the kitchen chair scraping across the floor when my dad stood up from the table and started yelling at us kids, or my mother. Those were terrifying times, and when I could, I would sneak away and call my Aunt Ellen to come and get me.

Pulling into the driveway and getting out of the car, she would come into the house with a smile and charmingly say, “Hello Woody. Hellow Connie.” The way she said it was like nothing was going on in the whole wide world, and she could diffuse an explosive situation with her innocent smile. Oh, she knew all right what was going on.

Aunt Ellen had a shield that I frequently hid under as a child and young adult. She would say, “I’ve come to take Mary Ellen home for a visit.” Sometimes an argument would be smoldering, and the air would get cloudy and laden again. It didn’t matter, Aunt Ellen had a way of turning a situation around, and soon, I was safely out the door. Different feelings plagued me as I got into her car.

At times, I felt downcast and sometimes confused as to why I felt the way I did. Aunt Ellen had the ability to sweep my dark mood away. Driving the car, she would say, “Look at the sky M.E. Look at how beautiful the world is.” I would get caught up in her enthusiasm, and in an instant, my melancholy evaporated. Aunt Ellen liked driving the car and seeing all the beauty around her.

One day while riding in the car from her house to the farm, I started to get uptight thinking about returning home to the chaos again, and she caught my mood. All of a sudden, she stopped the car along a country road, and said, “Look M.E., look at those flowers. Do you know what they are? In a foul mood, I said, “No.” Aunt Ellen said, “They are Turk Cap Lilies.” The way she said it was like witnessing the Lands of Arabia and her sheer magic had a wonderful affect on me.

As a young woman, I was selected by Seventeen Magazine for a position at the World’s Fair in New York City. My father forbade me to go to the city. He said,”No daughter of his was going to New York City.” It was a terrible time for me. I had no clothes or money, and he was adamant. I wasn’t going to New York City. As usual, I called my Aunt Ellen and told her about the job and that my dad wouldn’t let me go. She said, “You are going, and I am going to take you there.” She knew that I needed to get out of that house and to start a life of my own. There was no future for me in Saratoga Springs where I grew up.

For the trip, we went shopping for clothes. Hiding them under the bed, I waited for the day when Aunt Ellen would come to get me, and we would travel to New York City. The day finally arrived, and I came downstairs wearing a new suit, hat, and gloves and carrying my sister’s Samsonite blue suitcase. My sister was going with us too and helped drive the car. My father had tears in his eyes when we stood in the driveway to say goodbye. He was having financial difficulty at the time and was not in the position to adequately provide for me. Dad handed me $40 and told me that was all he could give me. I knew he felt bad and without adequate funding, I still went ahead. I felt free as a bird. My Aunt Ellen was there, and I was walking into my future thanks to her.

Years later, I was home visiting my parents from the far corners of the Earth. Aunt Ellen had kept up with my adult life and had followed my adventures across the country, Europe, Mexico, and South America. On one of our last visits we drove, from the farm in New York to my sister’s home in Massachusetts, and we took a long way. Aunt Ellen wanted to go through the Vermont Mountains to see the view and fall colors. After all, it was only three or four hours out of our way. In listening to me talk about my travels, she said, “M.E., you were born under a lucky star.”

All my life, I think about my Aunt Ellen who had so much to do with who I am today. When something special happens, and I see something beautiful in nature, I remember to say, “ Aunt Ellen, you would love this.” I often feel her close. I think my Aunt Ellen had a lot to do with how I think because she taught me how to see.


  1. Ginny says:

    I love this. And I love Mary Ellen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank Ginny. I wasn’t sure if I should post this, but am happy I did. I will read this essay to the writers group this morning. The comments to the essay convince me to just do it!


  2. mary mascetta says:

    You sound just like your aunt. Thanks for the story

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Mary L. Now you know who I take after. We all have role models. I am so happy Aunt Ellen was my hero.


  3. Jo says:

    Oh I do love this article. Thank you for sharing.


  4. Patricia Gardner says:

    wonderful story. How lucky for you to have Aunt Ellen in your life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Patti. Blessings to you this day.


    2. Patricia I have misplaced your address. Hope your Holiday is blessed. Let me hear from you soon. Love, Memengwaaikwe


  5. Dianne Conroe says:

    Love this, we all need an Aunt Ellen

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Dianne.


  6. Kara Traverse says:

    Tears are rolling down as I write this….your Aunt Ellen was my Gram…..I am on the computer searching for ties to the past and here they are. She was every bit as wonderful as you say, and even more. We truly were blessed to be in her family….she would say to me that when a certain bird sings, it is singing my nickname… you know how many times I hear that sweet sound, and my Gram is right here with me again. Thank you so much for posting this blog. Seeing pictures of her and her mom was just what I needed tonight. Blessings to you…
    Kara (Kathy’s dghtr)


    1. There is no such thing as coincidence Kara. It feels like your grandmother is at work again with her magical wand. I spoke with Ellie a few days ago and learned how Kathy had deteriorated with Alzheimer’s Disease. I felt so bad and helpless. I am so blessed knowing that you found the post on my site. I felt completely ignorant when I saw signs of occasional outbursts, but never put it together that the signs could be early signs of the disease. Poor Kathy. I did share the information with my sister Ann Veronica (Ronnie) Hohos. There comes a time when all our best is not good enough. You did the right thing to get your mother the professional help she needs now.

      This is such a heartbreak for you. Ellie told me all that you did to take care of your mother. Your grandmother is very proud of you, and we are too. Stay in touch. Here’s my contact information.

      Mary Ellen Ryall
      133 Lawrence Street, # 54E
      Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

      I have some early photos of your grandmother that I think you will enjoy. Send your mailing address.


    2. I remember your grandmother referring to you as a bird call Keri Keri or something similar. The song bird will always be with you. Isn’t that a mystical way of being remembered? The void is filled. I had been thinking about who I would give a few items too that are from your grandmother and her mother. I want to send historical photos also and the other heirlooms to you with love and remembrance. Please send your mailing address. Here’s a big hug. You are family dear Kara. I know your grandmother and my aunt are with us today and always. Here’s the confirmation.


      1. Kara Traverse says:

        Yes, the Kee Kee bird…that was my nickname…..brings me a feeling of connectedness to this world and heaven every time I hear it. I would love any pics you are willing to share. I don’t mind copies if you want to keep the originals.

        It truly was a blessing to read your blog……I do feel Gram had a hand in me seeing it…..She had so may special things she did for her grandchildren that no one ever knew about….I am sure my cousins remember….

        You may send to : Kara Traverse, 172 Mulberry Dr. Farmington, NY 14425.

        Thank you so much!! You are a blessing!! Keep in touch!!


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