Portals a Glass Art Exhibit by Worth Cooley-Prost

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  The exhibit is dedicated to the Waters of our world, and each of the 14 display cases will have a clear glass bottle or bowl of Water. Emily came up for a couple of days to help me get ready and set up, and tomorrow morning we’ll take the bottles of Deer Park spring water upstairs (where there’s *any* room to do *any*thing at this point!) for prayers andrging with the 528 Hz tuning fork I just got. I think we’ll leave music playing in the room when we’re finished and working on other getting-ready tasks.
worthglassart 002 The Exhibit will be featured at the Arlington, Virginia, Public Library. Instead of using earth-tone deeply textured papers to line the display cases like in all previous exhibits, this time all the paper is smooth and shiny, and mostly very light colors — silver, silvery blue, pale pink, light gold… the space should be Light and glowing. (Lots of mirrors, too — we found them!) Instead of using stone and wood in the displays, I’m using clear acrylic risers. Instead of many cases having a fair amount of text, to the extent possible all words will be on top of the cases instead of inside…. And some things I’d thought about how I’d have to figure out what glass to make to support its being there — like the set of Platonic Solids in clear quartz crystal, and the clear quartz merkaba — are just going to *be* there. They carry their power on their own and will do what they do on their own.
The exhibit will have many fewer pieces of glass than previous ones (Gifts and Visions had a total of 56 individual pieces), and except for Light on Water and Soul of Blue pieces, it’s all new kinds of glass, and mostly not jewelry. There are 5 altar pieces (glass figures on clear selenite slabs, including the Sentinel image attached) and several Spirit Women (see Ocean Spirit Woman image). There are six Portals pieces, 4-inch squares of brilliant, overlapping dichroic glass circles for meditation, altar or framing (sorry, no images yet). The other two completely new (last two days, literally) kinds are four or five “See with Your Heart” (and “Listen with Your Heart”) hearts, and three pieces titled “When the Veil Became a Net of Stars.” You may recognize that phrase… and they’re magical pieces that entirely unfolded themselves using two different kinds of glass I’ve had for months without knowing (until no) how I could use them *and* a kind of dichroc glass that didn’t exist at all until mid-October.
It will be good if people buy some of the glass, but that really doesn’t matter. This exhibit is a gift offered to the Waters and to the people who walk by it, whether or not they even see it — like the last several exhibits, it’s a kind of standing ceremony. This one is really a new kind of ceremony, though, in ways I’m not yet aware of but definitely feel. Your network-of-stars post on Facebook last week really defines it somehow… thank you, thank you, thank you. Please cast some prayers in this direction, that Portals carry great Good for the people as all that should unravel continues to do so. And please do let me know any thoughts and insights you may have about this.
The sign on top of case #1 and case #14 (since people enter the library from two directions) says this:
Portals (fused glass and mixed media by Worth Cooley-Prost, Arlington VA)
Photos: Worth Cooley-Prost water glass gift to Mary Ellen Ryall, Council Member, The Sisterhood of Planetary Water Rites.

Water Blessing and other Stories

Lately we have been blessed with rain, here in central Massachusetts. The rain barrels are full. The once parched earth and gardens is alive once again thanks to blessed rain. Last night the thunder storms came rumbling across the hills and forest.  There was a light show and crashing thunder overhead. This morning all was still, except the sound of rain drops falling from shiny tree leaves. Trees have had quite a bath lately with the cleansing rains. I walked down the hilly road challenging myself to a farther distance. I am glad I did because I discovered a new mushroom which I will look up shortly. Then too there was the beauty of the morning with rain drop sounds hitting the forest floor. Below one old oak tree I stood and let water drops fall from the leaves into my open mouth. What a wonderful way to quench my thirst, drip by drip. I gave thanks and sang the Nibi Wabo water ceremony chant. Water is very close to my intentions for healing the Earth. Recently I called Grandmother Tonya Whitedeer and told her about my latest adventure of moving to Massachusetts to be closer to my family and better medical care. It is quite astonishing to me that I landed in a protected watershed area near Fitchburg, MA. My sister and her family have lived at the heritage colonial farm since 1976.


Ode to a Visionary Water Friend Worth-Cooley Prost

Recently I learned that Worth Cooley-Prost walked on. She was a visionary when it came to creating her art. Worth worked with glass, but not just glass. She honored water as a living Being that should be loved, prayed for, and protected.

worth enlarged photo

A few years ago, I received a surprise package in the mail at my home in Minong, WI. I had no idea who sent me the box because I hadn’t met Worth yet. She was one of my readers to this Blog. Worth knew from reading my posts that I was a council member of the Sisterhood of Water Rites. Sending the box to me was one way for her to honor water and the women who are protectors of water.

water Hans free domain

Within the box was a lovely hand made glass pennant on a wire necklace. It literally sparkled in the sun. I was overcome. In the moment, I sent her a thank you note. We then became friends on Facebook.

jewelry Worth Cooley-Prost

In 2012 I flew to Washington, DC, from Wisconsin. I went to honor my friend Cindy Dyer who was having a one woman photography exhibit at Green Springs Botanic Garden in Fairfax, VA. I called Worth and asked her to join us. Another artist friend Deneen Stambone drove us to Green Springs from Springfield, VA. Worth parked her car after greeting us at the door and I walked over to the vehicle. Matter-of-fact, she handed me a pair of earrings that went with the necklace she gave me earlier. I couldn’t get over it. I mean it was such a surprise to receive the necklace with glass pennant in the first place and now this? I was stunned.

Worth honored water. She saw a better world through Ceremony and joined the Sisterhood Water Ceremony group out in WI, even though she lived in Arlington, VA. We would coordinate our time when we offered Water Ceremony.

moss in frozen water = snow

Sometimes I am so unaware. For example, yesterday it rained all day. Niki Bresnahan and I met at the Sundial Community Garden, in Fitchburg, MA, and we transplated tomatoes and planted more beans in the gentile rain. We love to play in the rain. Why I didn’t think of Worth as blessing my day is beyond me. I realize it this morning. I was out there in the garden with a water friend and we were playing in the rain and loving our plants that were being nourished with nitrogen rich rainwater.

Miigwetch (thank you in Ojibwe) Worth for all the gifts of heart from here and beyond. Energy never dies. It always transforms. As a Monarch Butterfly that goes through transformation, we do also change and live on.

worth lizards
Worth Cooley-Prost created these lizards and I fell in love with them. Lizards love water.

Thank you Worth for the gifts of spirit and intentions that you gave us. Our time together was brief but eternal as I know you continue to send me blessings, such as the rain yesterday and a surprise online donation came to the nonprofit Happy Tonics at www.happytonics.com

I have kept a vigil candle lit for 24 hours to honor my dear friend. I do believe that we receive many blessings from other parallel universes and Worth is sending her love to who those of us who are so fortunate to live here in the present on this sacred planet.

Essential Oils: What To Do About Mental Clarity And Dyslexia

Essential Oils: What To Do About Mental Clarity And Dyslexia.

Good morning on July 5. I use RC for congestion. Just read that it may help with dyxlexia, which I have. Hopefully I am helping myself without even knowing it.