Blog Talk Radio with Grandmother Tonya Whitedeer

Silver Lake, WI, 2008
Silver Lake, WI, 2008

I am a member of the Sisters of the Planetary Water Rites. Women are the protectors of water. I represent northwest Wisconsin. We are building a network here of women who will meet in ceremony and prayer and send good energy out to the universe to protect Mother Earth.  Grandmother Whitedeer lives in California and is the founder of the Sisterhood and I follow her guidance. With her leadership we move forward to build a network across the country to honor Mother Earth and the gift of water.  


I was fortunate to hear Grandmother Tonya Whitedeer on the Blog Talk Radio on Jluy 5, 2010.  She was interviewed by Ann Smith. Rhonda Hall is a co-producer of the program.  Grandmother Whitedeer is a Bear Clan Mother of the Medicine Creek Métis in Laytonville, CA.  She holds women’s circles and Grandmother Net of Light Ceremonies. She is one of the Ambassadors’ for the Sacred White Buffalo Family in Northern Oregon. She is currently working on a novel that is coming to her through Spirit. Tonya works with endangered species Medicines of the Green Nation and maintains a Medicine Walk open to the public to educate all those that come to her land named through Spirit as Medicine Creek in California. She shared that she is channeling with the grandmothers from the other side.  It is now a call to power because the Grandmothers are speaking. 

We are setting up a Net of Light and women are gathering.  We send out this light to protect the water especially after what has happened in the Gulf of Mexico with the gushing oil from the Gulf floor.  We need to take inner silent time to communicate with the spirits.  Women need talking circles and water blessings to connect with the power beyond us. 

Grandmother Whitedeer has presented a letter to the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers in Sedona. Now there are 73 circles all over the world.  There was a World Prayer Day for the Water on May 18. There is a paradigm shift that is happening because we are gathering in prayer and ceremony to honor the water. We use prayers and ceremonies to reach higher consciousness.  Grandmother Whitedeer stated that we don’t concentrate on the negative. We gather to pray for Mother Earth’s blood which is the water. She asks that you visit the Water Blessings Web site and she will guide newcomers with information on how to do a Water Ceremony.   

On July 11, 2010 – the Star Nation is coming to help those who carry the light.  There will be a meteor shower at sunset. At sunset we are being asked to hold up our arms to the heavens as we face west. Don’t interpret messages.  Just keep an open heart. Star Beings where once on Earth.  Open our hearts and we will receive what is sent down. I am a Lighter Bearer. All of us are made of water.  Dr. Masaru Emoto states that humans are 70 percent water.  Grandmother Aggie (I believe this may be Agnes Baker Pilgrim) stated to Grandmother Whitedeer that when we bless the water we are blessing ourselves because we are mostly water. 

The Sisters of the Planetary Water Rites is a joint effort and we stand between heaven and earth. Animals are forming circles and they are coming to us to let us know that the time is upon us. We are being invited to communicate with nature and the Green Nation (the plants and trees), the winged ones (birds, butterflies, bees and other insects) and the finned relatives being the dolphins and other water creatures are right with us.  Visit to learn more about Water Ceremonies and where you can join a group already participating in this Calling. 

PHOTO NOTE:  In 2008, my dog Tia nd I used to swim in crystal clear Silver Lake. In 2010 the lake shore is becoming choked with weeds and it is withdrawing from the shore as the water table goes down possibly due to climate change. Also building more houses on the lake is polluting the water with soap suds.  Loons used to live in this lake. I pray they still have a home here. I send up my prayer offerings for the winged ones and the water here at Silver Lake where I had many a happy wild encounter.


  1. paul says:

    Have a read of this story online. Probably the best yet for grandmothers and their grand children.


  2. Gretings:
    Thank you for keeping all of this information alive….We surely need to expand our circles and tighten the reigns of the ceremonies that need to come forth. Starting small in groups of two or three is a beginning. The main thing is to stay focused on our ententions ….and the force behind our actions and gatherings…..we are growing stronger as we get to know each other on a more personal basis…we are giving support to our Sisters in many ways….this is a beautiful thing that is happening….through the Divine we shall see the Earth at Peace and Healed as it was in the beginning..AHO…Grandmother Whitedeer


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