Sisterhood of the Planetary Water Rites – January 2011Newsletter

 Excerpts: January 2011 Newsletter


A letter from our Sister Anyah

Dear Grandmother Whitedeer,

Don’t know how this will help, but feel led to offer, one of the music cd’s I produced called “Immaculate Waters”, that was produced in 2002 is specific for healing using prayers for forgiveness, and cleansing. There is a lot of water sounds and nature sounds throughout.

The music was made when I went through a healing and spirit helped me through the death process and crossed that threshold and now am on the 9th music cd still alive and more focused on the real work/purpose for even being on this planet. Each music cd produced between the years of 1998-2009 is for some aspect of healing and balancing the chakras and masculine/feminine energies.

I was a former “grandmother speaks” host for 3 years and held groups at a sacred site and gave empowerments for the grandmother’s work, so through that opening was connected with you all. I’d like to donate 100 of these music CDs to support the work. You can use these for fund raising.

To let you know, these music CDs are recorded with the 528 hz, which is harmonious to the system, and is converted back into analogue another helpful tool to balance the chakras. Each song on each album individually is helpful to balance the chakra, and then when the whole music cd is listened to with intent for deep meditation is for even another level of balancing the chakra system. There are prayers of different sacred languages. Please think about it, and let me know if it can help. Much love and many blessings, Anyah

Grandmother Whitedeer says, “We have these along with several others now to distribute for our Fundraising Venture for our cause……E-mail Grandmother Tonya Whitedeer at

 Check out our Store…we have added some great items on our on-line outlet at

 Please look at this wonderful message and song @

 A simple thanks in a busy time

 We’re grateful for you. Without your help, we could not bring life’s most basic necessities to those in Uganda, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Honduras, Bangladesh, India, and Haiti.  This year, we reached more than 238,000 people with sustainable access to safe water and sanitation. Next year, we are striving to reach even more people and a total of one million people during our 21 year history.

 Thank you for working with us to achieve universal access to clean water and the dignity of a toilet!


The team at

 Up and Coming Water Blessing Events:

February 2 –  The Grandmothers from Quebec who brought forth the 10th Nibi Wabo Water Ceremony.

 They will stand in tradition on the Ice… Please stand with them in your area and Circles for prayers and blessings for the Winter Waters. Support this Ancient Water Blessing that came to them through the Grandmothers. Bring your Birch Bark Clappers!

 Let Us Stand Together….March 22, 2011

Those who spoke before are speaking again in one voice. This is the time of power and transition.
This is the Time to gather as one Voice, one Heart, one Mind. Many compassionate hearts are already dedicating intention, prayer, meditation, service, Mass, circle, dance, chant and song.

In harmony all can come together in one universal Wave.

Grandmother Whitedeer, The Sisterhood of the Planetary Water Rites Email:

 Feel thanks, touch the snow, spread the blessings.

Oregon – Different Cultures in Common Prayer for our Common Ground ~ Mother Earth
Sunday April 10, 2011

Contact the founder of this ceremony, Robert Brothers at